Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama and the Tyranny of Charismatic Power

As I sit here watching the historical inaugaration of Barrack Obama I feel inspired by his words. He is a brilliant speaker and, apparently, a great writer. I haven't had the chance to read one of his books, but I have put "Audacity of Hope" on my reading list for this year.

And what a better type of person to have as a president? Especially in a time of economic despair after eight years of overwhelming disdain for the presidency and the American government; this is what we needed. Let me make clear that by we, I mean human kind. This is a globalized, economically intertwined world now and it's time to move on from isolationist and unilateral moves. The current economic crisis has proved the globalized economic dependence. Just look at Iceland. That country has been hit harder than any other in the "first world." ...And it's just an island in the Atlantic comprising of 300,000 people. That is why every nation's status and stability is important to others.

Here is the problem with such a leader. He is a charasmatic leader who moved absurdly fast to where he is now. This can be credited to his mentors, charasma, charm, race, background, intellect, or however you want to see it.

Charasmatic leaders tend to gather the masses' votes and support easily. People want easy decisions and they want to be led. It's one of humanity's faults. Individuals don't need leaders, but they think they do. In fact, they want decisions made for them. The masses, and not just in America, are full of ignorant, brainwashed, zombies who can hardly think for themselves. This is why they flock to people like Barrack Obama. They, at least, see that he is brilliant intellectually. Most haven't a clue about politics and how the world works; so they need someone who does understand it. (contrary to our now ex-president)

They always promise something great. They always give hope to the sheep that things will be better under their leadership. They seem to have a solution to every problem that will succeed, unless some evil doer interrupts the plan.

Charasmatic leaders come in the good and the bad. A few good examples, in my opinion, would include JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Mahatma Ghandi, and Vladimir Lenin. A few bad examples would be Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Hugo Chávez, ect. There are many that I question as being good or bad charasmatic leaders, such as Winston Churchill or Fidel Castro. I think sometimes, being in the right place at the right time with a little luck, can go a long ways.

Hitler is a great example of the Tyranny that can ensue from sucha leadership. After WWI, the German people were devistated and punished for a war that they didn't start. It was all a matter of diplomacy and strategy. If Germany hadn't made the first move, someone else would have. The war was inevidable and the victors were indirectly responsible for WWII. In the 20s Germany was stricken with extreme inflation, famine, and depression. It was impossible for them to pay the debts owed to the victors of the Great War. In such a desperate time, Germans had no choice but to rally to a new leadership. The Third Reich under the leadership of Adolf Hilter gave a new hope to them. Hope for change.

What all charasmatic leaders have in common is the ability to unite so many people, rally them, and inspire them to a cause. Hitler did this a way that pushed Germany from a poor, war ravaged nation, into the most powerful country in the history of the world... in under 20 years!

I believe that Obama has done this well for many who want a progressive nation. The problem is that everyone has a different idea of what progression is. For me it is the advancment into a world of open-mindedness, tolerance, and compassion; but also a regression back to a true free world; liberty being the center piece. I think that Obama wats this also, however, most so not; even if they don't realize it. Most of Americans have become oblivious to the police state that has replaced the once free nation that was created some 225 years ago. I know that Obama understands this, but he also knows that he cannot do a single thing about it. The only way for him to succeed into the presidency was to run under the Democrat Party, a path that was set for him a decade ago. Sometimes it is unfortunate to have such a bureaucracy where nothing can be accomplished. Honestly, it's not the bureaucracy, it's the ignorance of the people for whom the government represents. These people are the sheep that will flock to their respective leaders.

Some of these sheep will use the Obama presidency to get what they want, not what they need or what we all need. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe he will be a push over, I just think that through the bureaucratic inefficiencies, with the help of the currupt Democrat Party, many parts of our liberty will continue to be stolen from us, as they have been for the past 100 or so years. Depending on how people want to look at politics via their own perspective, each currupt party Republican or Democrat, will coninue this onslaught on our freedoms.

I just hope that Obama can overcome the bureaucracy, repel the currupted party, and make the kind of progression I would like to see in our world. He has what it takes as long as he can teach his sheep how to act.

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