Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Theasy road

Luxembourg is now a thing of the past. I arrived in Bastogne, Belgium last night to meet my host, Thierry.

When I rose yesterday morning it was, of course, pouring the rain. Dreadfully, I gathered myself and prepared to cross the Ardennes. This portion from Luxembourg to Bastogne was to be the most difficult climb. Alas, I was saved by my generous host Sara. She was going to Brussels last night and offered to drop me off in Bastogne.

With the extra day, I took the train into Luxembourg city and walked around. The difficult part was finding the correct trains to get on/ switch to.

At the city station, I asked te clerk which one to get on. She wrote it down for me in English.

Mykel Board's Law says that "if nothing can go wrong, everything will" This is true.

The train never showed up at the platform... but there were many people also waiting for it. Another train showed up at the opposite track and they all boarded... I followed. It was a nervous ride; who knows where it was going??? I may have wound up in Germany! Luckily it was going in the right direction, but then it started to go in the opposite. I got off and chose another train, which was the correct one.

Because I got on the wrong one coming back, it took me over an hour to get back to Sara's house. When I arrived she had made me dinner, then we packed our things and left. (Sara is a great cook, perhaps the Italian heritage?)

Moi avec Sara

Luxembourg City


Anonymous said...

Hey, do you like the Ardennes? I am now looking at the weather every morning to make sure you do not get too many rainy days! Take care and bon courage pour la suite! A presto, forse.. Sara

Leigh said...

I think I can get on board Mr. Mykel's law.